Instructions -- FOR WebTV Users
Possibly use-able by Computer Users..?
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@ Easy & Simple -- But, ONE at a Time
@ Easy Multiple URLs
. . . For OLD Classics Only (.?.) ... @---v
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@---> FOR Plusers, The uP-graded, (.and .?. New Classic-ers..?.)..
@ Here's The Trip:
1 - Click-on the first web-site
2 - Hit the GO-TO key
2a - Use the arrow keys Down & Left
-- to "Show Current"
2b - Hit the "Return" (.Enter.) key
3 - Press, and Hold-down the CMD key
. . . and Hit the "a" key (.URL is hi-lite'd.)
3a - Press, and Hold-down the CMD key
. . . and Hit the "x" key (.URL is in buffer memory.)
4 - Hit the "Mail" key
4a - Go to the "Write Message" screen
4b - Use the Down Arrow-key to the message area [..NO need for addresses, yet..]
4c - Press, and Hold-down the CMD key
. . . and Hit the "v" key (.URL is Paste'd into email page.)
ADD the web-page Title, or Description
-- and any comments..
o - - - o - - - o
5A -- cleaning email List of excess URLs
@ Use the BACK key, three times
-- to the email of that URL
@ Discard that email
@ Then -- On, To the next URL
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5B -- On to the next URL in Favs, same email page, web-page, etc
@ Use the "Back" key & arrow keys
-- To the next URL to copy
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6 - €€€ REPEAT steps 1 thru 3
7 - Hit the "Recent" key
. . . uP-pOps the Recents Panel
7a - Use the Direction-Arrow keys, to the "Write Message" screen
7b - Hit the "Retirn" (.Enter.) key
8 - REPEAT Steps 4b & 4c
The Second URL is Paste'd into email screen..
9 - REPEAT Step 5
o - - - o o - - - o
€€€ Repeat the REPEATs
. . . of Steps 6 thru 9..
@---> ONLY do this for TEN web-pages
[..@ The "Write Message" Screen will drop off of the "Recents" screen.. IF you =lose= the Write Message screen from Recents -- go to the Mail List page, then to Write Message..]
@ Then -- SEND that email to [..YOUR e-address..], AND "Cc" to same-any e-address, with: .xx at end..
@ SEE details:
@ Open the "Bounced" email -- and continue adding URLs..
@ etc, etc, etc..
o - - - o
Continue steps for each URL..
KEEP the same sequence:
@ on web-page
@ capture URL
@ RECENT screen
@ paste in email
@ BACK to next web-page
@---> YOU might find a Better, Faster, Easyer -- method & steps..?
...IF Yes -- keep Your =same= Sequence..
o - - - o - - - o
ADD any needed text, before, after, between the URLs & titles..
@---> The END
Send the email to the Final Address..
Or -- Copy & Paste the message, into a news-gropup or message board Screen..
o - o - o - o - o - o - o - o - o - o - o - o - o
@ Using the FIND box = easyer & faster
. . . Probably ONLY use-able for OLD Classic Users, with NO Revcent
[..?..Get the "Magic FIND Box" back
. . . by doing the Retro-Grade..?..]
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alternate Method . . .
???...@---> Using the GO-To box
-- for the same purpose...???
@ I try'd IT -- very confusing.. For ME..
NO control..?
@ IT seems like double work..?
MUST copy =entire= List, =each= time..?
@ And -- Go-To is completely "tied-up", until all URLs are pasted in email..
@ I like the Control of the FIND box.. Since I sometimes "wander" -- in the middle of the URL capture & stack maddness.. ie, I do other thangs.. Stop for a look, GO to another (.new.) seeSite -- etc..
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......oHo ...oKo
Herb Kingsland
@ Me & My Genes
. . . COMMIT a random act of KINDNESS
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