. . . Thru email -- or IN a "Post" message
Instructions -- FOR WebTV Users
...Possibly use-able by Computer Users..?
[..I have-Not tried Yet.. ...HK..]
. . . "Capture" URLs thru the GoTo Box, and Fill the FIND Box..
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@---> WARNings:
@ PLUSers -- Forget This Page
@ NEW Classic..?
@ UP-grade'd any Box = NO also
@---> Okay-Yes = OLD Classic: Un-upgrade'd, or Retrograde'd..
@ "meaning"
-- For The NOs, the FIND-box is limited to ONLY approx 100 characters..
HK -- 20 July 2000 . . . 13 Apr 2001
@ WebTV Users Info
@ "Capture" a URL -- From the GoTo Box
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"Prolog" . . .
@ THIS is an "expanded" version,
of The Original Idea from Wizz Kidd Erickson..
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TOO Long = Yes
TOO Use-Full = Yes + Yes
IT Looks Long -- BUT Goes Fast
. . . After You Learn the Steps..!
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@---> Put a List of URLs -- into email
THIS only =Looks= bad
. . . it Really IS e-z
Just repeats, of Simple Steps
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For . . .
@ Sending Favs to another User Site
@ Sending web-sites to another person
@ Placing a List in Your Own web-page
@ Storage of excess sites IN email pages
DoYOU -- Do Your Own Upgrades
ADD "Fav Folders" = IN email
Fifty or More URLs
o - - - o - - - o
NOT Complicated . . .
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@ THIS method is Only:
Capturing the URL, thru the "GoTo" panel
Filling the "Find" panel-box with URLs
Moving all to an email page
IF I can Do It -- It AINT Hard..! ...HK
o - - - o
@ Unknown assorted-user knowledge & experience levels.. So, I =must= write precise, key-to-key, detailed instructions..
@---> Skip-Over what YOU already know..
IF you =know= how to "Capture" a URL from the GoTo Box -- DO That, Paste the URL in the FIND Box . . . and Repeat !..
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GO Slow -- Use Precise-Repeated Steps, IN Order, each Time..
YOU might find a Better or Easyer series of Steps ?
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o - - - o
Make email URL Lists, Sending the web-pages TO your email address . . .
BY Subjects -- or Random Finds..
o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o
@---> HOW TO . . . Starts Here
@ Start
. . . where you are taking web-sites FROM
Favorites Folder
Sites in email, on the IN or Saved Lists . . .
Sites on a web-page List
or ?
o - - - o
@ When ON the web-site to capture:
1 -- Hit the "GoTo" key
. . . . uP-pOps the GoTo Panel
Move the cursor down and left
-- To the "Show Current" Button
Hit the "Enter" key (."Return".)
The URL appears in the GoTo Box
2 -- Press, and Hold-down the "Cmd" key
. . . and Hit the "a" key
The URL is now hi-lite'd (.Select.)
3 -- Press, and Hold-down the "Cmd" key
. . .and Hit the "x" key (.Cut.)
The URL =should= disappear
The URL is now in Memory
4 -- Hit the "Find" key
. . . . uP-pOps the Find Panel
Press, and Hold-down the "Cmd" key
. . . and Hit the "v" key (.Paste.)
The URL is now in the "Find" box
5 -- Add a "spacer"
Hit keys: space @ space
SEE samples below
6 -- Hit the "Back" key -- Twice
You are now at the Origin of the web-site..
@ The END of Capturing a URL
o - - - o - - - o
@---> TEST First.. Do Five URLs..
@ To Prevent possible Losses . . .
. . . from hitting the wrong key, or key out of sequence.. SEND the Fake address email (.see P-9 below.), after approx each TEN URLs..
o - - - - - - - - - - - - o
-- of the URLs "in" the Find Box, after they are Paste'd into email screen (.before clean-up.):
http://www.genforum.com/kelly/ @ http://www.getwild.com/ @ http://www.albion.com/netiquette/corerules.html @ http://members.tripod.com/~SPACEBEAGLE/listsite.html @ http://www.whatis.com/tour.htm @ https://www.angelfire.com/biz/starsidewalk/hkgeney.deBex.html @ http://wecare.webtv.net/ @
o - - - o
@ EASYER Trips -- NO "SpacER", but
=be-sure= to add a SPACE between the URLs..
http://www.genforum.com/kelly/ http://www.getwild.com/
. . . BUT must BE-Very-Careful, separating the URLs..
- - -
@ MORE Useful Trips -- Type a brief Title for each web-page, IN the FIND Box, before adding the URL.. BE sure to add a space after the
-- =after= Paste into email page, and clean-up..
Kelley Forum -- genforum
Get Wild
Netiquette -- vs
List Homepages -- sb
Internet Tour -- what-is
de Beixedon -- hk
HelpCenter -- BUGtv
@---> Titles =are= need'd -- for the Extra "Favs Folders" IN email..
o - - - - - - - - - - - - o
Continue with web-page URLs..
@ Now
. . . go to the NEXT web-site to move
@ Repeat the above steps
@---> Repeat the Process for each URL
o - - - o - - - o
@ AFTER capturing all URLs:
Copy & Paste -- into an email screen..
P-1 -- Hit the "Find" key
P-2 -- Press, and Hold-down the "Cmd" key
. . . and Hit the "a" key
P-3 -- Press, and Hold-down the "Cmd" key
. . . and Hit the "x" key
P-4 -- Go to the "Write Message" screen
Hit the "Mail" key
Cursor over, left and uP -- to the "Write" Button
. . . Click-on
P-5 -- Add the email "Subject:" Title
Do NOT add "To:" address yet
THIS prevents "Accidental Send"
P-6 -- Cursor down to the Text area
Press. and Hold-down the "Cmd" key
. . . and Hit the "v" key (.Paste.)
P-7a -- IF =only= moving URLs
. . . . . . to another User Site:
@---> Next GO to Step P-9
To =Check= the click-able URLs
-- for mistakes, or Bugs
OR continue . . .
P-7b -- Separate the URLs
Delete the "spacers" . . .
. . . . . . the @ and all blank =Spaces= between URLs
Hit the "Enter" key (."Return".) -- Twice . . .
(.for a blank =Line= between each URL.)
Continue separating the URLs
P-8 -- IF need'd:
Add the web-page Titles,
and-/-or descriptions
Add any text need'd..
- - - o - - -
P-9 -- Next, scroll to the Top of the email
(."Cmd" and "Scroll-uP" keys.)
@ Add =Your= email address after "To:"
@ After "Cc:" repeat =Your= e-address
-- with ".xx"
P-10 -- SEND
@ The "bad address" will bounce-back, with an "Edit Message" Button..
@ Check for problems and mistakes
@ Proofread any text
@ Click-on each URL -- working ?
@ (.? the letter keys, accidently hit ?.)
@ Edit
@ Repeat Send's and Edit's, as need'd
@ After the Final Edit:
Delete the Fake TO and cc addresses -- add the Real TO address..
@ Send
@ Save or Discard the Final Edit page
@---> The END
Take a Break (.IF you deserve it.)
o - - - o
@ Email Edit
@ CCP -- Copy, Cut, Paste
o - - - o - - - o
......oHo ...oKo
GRIN . . . 8+) . . . and SHARE IT
Herb Kingsland
@ Me & My Genes
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